Leave No Trace

It isn’t easy being green. We encourage everyone to have a sustainable eco-friendly burn. Reusable products are a Burner’s friend. Please, no glowsticks, styrofoam, glass, or single-use plastic packaged products. Pack your food conscientiously to reduce the amount of trash you will create. Suggested foods: Cereal, mac n cheese, cold cuts, rice, fruit, salads, nuts, pizza, sandwiches, peeled boiled eggs, pickles. Be a a good neighbor and bring some to share!

No Trash Left Behind

Trashbags are a burner’s best gift- bring bags for you, friends, and neighbors. Clean your camp area and keep your trash sorted. Work with your neighbors to create a community recycling strategy. Lead by example- it may not be your trash, but that’s okay. Love thy neighbor and clean up after them, and they will do the same for you. SMOKERS- we love you, please have a metal tin on you at all times to collect your cigarette butts. The only butts on the floor should be your cushy butt sitting and relaxing in the grass all weekend (hahaha see what I did there).

DON’T USE THE LAND AS A TOILET. Your poop and pee is M.O.O.P. The event site is small and we intend to avoid pests, bad smells, and possible illness. Out of respect for the environment, your fellow Burners, please find a toilet. We are serious! DO NOT DO IT!