Getting ready for Dragon Burn: some VERY IMPORTANT DETAILS
No matter if it’s your first time or you have been to many burns, “understanding what Burning Man culture is” is a long process and each of us have our own journey. The most important thing to know: “preparing to attend a burn events” requires time, energy, and heart. Please check these details that are particularly important TODAY!
Art Applications are due TODAY April 2nd! To receive funding, transport, and placement on the Dragon Burn 2024 map, make sure to submit by 11:59 PM tonight! If you miss the deadline, you are still welcome to contact us and bring your art to the burn but you will not receive an art grant and may not receive official placement nor logistic support. DragonBurn2024 • ART apply now till April 2! 龙焰 • 艺术基金申请【截止4月2号】
Theme camp application deadline is also TODAY April 2nd! TC are fundamental part of the burn bringing interactivity and experiences to be shared with everybody. Check application and details here:Dragon Burn 龙焰 2024 • Theme Camps apply now 主题营地现在开始申请!
At Dragon Burn, you do not attend, you participate!
What are you bringing to help create the Burn? What is your gift to the community? What is your project of interactivity? Need inspiration? Think of how to share food, drinks, workshops, art project, music, performance, discussion with friends and new friends that were previously total strangers! If you still do not have answers to these questions, maybe Dragon Burn is not the event for you.
The overall price of participating in the event is about 500 yuan. The Sticker to the Moon (150 yuan) gives you access to the event, but you need to pay the camping fee to the landlord when you arrive at the site (80yuan/per person/per night) before entering the event. These fees do not include any other costs or facilities such as tents, renting services, or food. There is nothing to be bought on land, no waimai to order, no accommodation. This is an experiment in self-reliance. You need to provide everything you need to survive for 5 days without leaving or ordering, living and thriving by yourself. Plan, plan and plan some more! In the meantime, if you can no longer attend and would like to transfer your sticker, please follow this link to get in touch with 247 tickets.

A first burn is an amazing experience if you prepare yourself. To make sure you are ready and will enjoy, know what you are getting into! educate yourself by spending the time to read articles about Dragon Burn, do research, and get familiar with Burning Man culture.
Every year we sell out quickly. Same as this year!
We have reached the maximum capacity desired for 2024 burn and have already extended it once to allow more participants as it happened quicker than expected and we want to share the burn. At this point, general sales are closed, but there are still a few stickers reserved for artists, musicians, workshop holders who have not yet purchased. More information will be published on this later.