Contribute Images

We are looking for your help curating Dragon Burn-related images to publish on the website, email and potentially even the Burning Man Journal!

If you have any images you would like to share with the Dragon Burn Community then email the Ministry of Photography. You can email us a zip archive, a link to cloud storage (e.g. Baidu Pan), or a personal website with you images available for download. Images should be in .PNG or .JPG format. Feel free to share high resolution images, however bear in mind we may reduce the resolution when sharing over social media.

Please make sure you specify who is the author of the images and include their contact details (if it isn’t you). 

When emailing please let us know if it’s okay for us to share your images in any or all of the following locations:

  1. Dragon Burn Website
  2. Dragon Burn Newsletter
  3. Dragon Burn Official WeChat
  4. Dragon Burn Social Media (WeChat groups, twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
  5. Cloud Storage (we will use Baidu Pan)
  6. Physical photo exhibitions (at events like Decompression or next year’s Dragon Burn)
  7. Burning Man Organisation (Burning Man Journal, or even Burning Man itself!)

Dragon Burn and Burning Man will never claim ownership or copyright over any of your images and will maintain every effort to credit the original author and ensure we have permission to share your work. You still maintain all rights to your work, including requesting that we stop using them at a later date (whatever the reason). However, it is very difficult to prevent others from stealing images online so it is highly recommended that you watermark your photos to help prevent this from happening.

Contact the Ministry of Photography Now!